The Coffee Story

BIG life happens with coffee

New ideas are born, business negotiations are made, concepts are created, cities are built, hearts are healed, laughter is heard, and most importantly lives are changed...everywhere. Coffee is joy. My first cup of coffee, the imaginary kind in a cup with my sister at four years old, was spent early mornings in Wisconsin imitating my mother and her friends as they prepared their coffee drinks and talked about family stories. They exchanged ideas, and dished out advice refilling every cup until the last drop. During every delicious cup was usually a great amount of warmth, growth, and a whole lot of laughter.

Coffee is often at the center of life. Some of the most memorable moments in mine were with my classy, God fearing, joke telling, grandmother who enjoyed fine food and good conversations filled with endless hours of laughter topped off with an elegant cup of coffee and of course, the best creams.Coffee is gathering all of my friends in Christ to fellowship in a Bible Study, a coffee house, or simply by myself in a quiet space at home and growing in the Word of God. It's sitting in a bookstore and creating new concepts and new ideas that grow people's lives. It's working out serious life challenges while driving down highways and country roads with my coffee by my side, fueled in a fury and prayer until I find solutions to hard core problems. It's discovering and understanding my client or customer's professional goals, wheeling and dealing, and negotiating major contracts to build better businesses or rushing to the aid of a friend late at night with coffee and offering healing words of encouragement. Coffee is enjoyed while planning my next exciting adventure or simply the days' activities. It takes center stage while performing in front of friends, family or colleagues. It's recuperating over illness or childbirth. It's having that cup of encouragement before a speaking engagement. Coffee is BEYOND an experience...  Coffee is simply a BIG deal.

- Pamela